How to say “THE” / “THE” को ‘द’ बोलूँ या ‘दी’
How to say THE
The को ‘द’ बोलूँ या ‘दी’
What is right in English language? ‘द’ banana or ‘दी’ banana. ‘द’ orange or ‘दी’ orange. The answer is simple if you understand the difference between Consonant sound and Vowel sound.
Consonant sound ( In Hindi, the consonants are क , ख , ग, घ……..ज्ञ )
There are 21 consonants in English language. They are b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, and z.
Vowel sound ( In Hindi, the vowels are अ, आ, इ, इ……….अः )
There are 5 Vowels in English language. They are a, e, i, o, u.
‘द’ banana (thuh)
Words like banana, pear, mango, mobile and teacher start with a Consonant sound. How to pronounce ‘The’ before these words
The (thuh) banana | द banana |
The (thuh) mango | द mango |
The (thuh) mobile | द mobile |
The (thuh) teacher | द teacher |
‘दी’ orange (thee)
Words like orange, apple, egg and engineer start with a Vowel sound. How to pronounce ‘The’ before these words
The (thee) orange | दी orange |
The (thee) apple | दी apple |
The (thee) egg | दी egg |
The (thee) engineer | दी engineer |
Confusing words
Some words are confusing. They start with consonants (b,c,d…) but pronunciation starts with a vowel sound ( a, e, i, o, u / अ, आ, इ, इ…).
‘The’ will be pronounced as (thee) / (दी).
The (ou-er) hour | The (आउअर्) hour |
The (on-ist) honest man | The (ऑनिस्ट्) honest man |
Some words start with vowels (a, e, i, o, u) but pronunciation starts with a consonant sound (b, c, d, f, ……. z / क , ख , ग, घ…).
‘The’ will be pronounced as (thuh) / (द).
The university | The (यूनिˈव़सटि) university |
The usual reason | The (यूज़अल्) usual reason |
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